The role of the West Java Provincial Health Office in combating Covid-19
Against the COVID-19 pandemic, which has not yet subsided , the West Java Provincial Health Office made various efforts. This is because West Java itself is one of the places affected by the coronavirus, which is huge. Even after a week, the number of infected people has increased.
According to the West Java Covid Information and Coordination Centre, the highest number of cases were reported in the Bekasi region . However, the highest recovery rate is also seen in Bekasi. West Java still has many residents under the care of a Covid case. Those who are positive will be isolated .
You can do the isolation process in your hospital or at your own home. In cases of this virus, it is said to end if the patient recovers or dies. At the same time, in West Java itself, there are many cases where people die from Covid.
The nature of covid positive cases may also be one-sided. It depends on how it is handled. Therefore, the government and the health office in West Java are making various efforts to reduce the number of people dying of Covid-19. So far, the role of health workers is required.
West Java health workers vaccinated
In order to reduce the death toll or to infect this covid-19 virus, the relevant West Java Provincial Health Office government has also done a number of things. For example, this new one is carrying out vaccinations. In fact, in Indonesia, vaccines have come out, but for recipients, not all of them.
In West Java alone, 80% of healthcare workers have been vaccinated against Covid-19 using the Sinovac vaccine. The vaccines received from the government itself are still unable to reach all the health workers in West Java.
Because everyone will get two doses. So even if it is less, the West Java government will try to adopt it immediately so that it can be used. Even the West Java Provincial Health Office will vaccinate its residents. While some things are hampering the vaccination process, they can be overcome immediately.
For the number of vaccines that West Java residents themselves need, they will have to wait again because the population living in the area itself is so large. In fact, this is the largest number in Indonesia. Therefore, the administration of vaccines is also carried out in a phased manner. But despite all this, everyone will get the breast milk vaccine.
Furthermore, other issues arising from administering this vaccine are due to the pros and cons of the type of injection. Many refused the vaccine as they did not have the MUI and BPOM label. However, the issuance of legalization from the two institutions ultimately wanted to be injected into the inhabitants of West Java.
Puskesmas plays a role in the fight against Covid-19
In fighting this coronavirus case, the West Java Provincial Health Office and its government have begun to create a program that is an integrated and champion health center. At the beginning of formulating a plan to combat the coronavirus itself, the government distributed several health workers.
The health centre, which was earlier relied upon to handle Covid cases, was also in a non-functional condition. But now the health workers at the health centre, which is dedicated to taking care of Covid-19 patients, are making a mixed update. So in the end take care of other diseases . This makes vaccination ineffective.
At the same time, in order to handle cases of coronavirus infected people on their own, it has to be unique and intense. So in the past, the health workers at Puskesma could not act appropriately. Thus the latest program was created, i.e. an integrated health centre for the exclusive management of COVID-19 cases. This program was created by the Government of West Java.
With the new health workers stationed at Puskesma, the government hopes to scale up the work as much as possible. The role of the West Java Provincial Health Office is also very important in making this program itself a success. Meanwhile, the West Java government itself is calling for the deployment of new medical personnel in the books.
This method is one of the innovations made by the West Java government to overcome this coronavirus pandemic. By optimizing the role of puskesmas to deal with this. Thus, there is more and more human resources to be able to run the program successfully.
Optimize integrated puskesmasmus and champions
As for integrated puskesmas and champions, or puspa, this is a new method from the provincial government and the West Java Provincial Health Office to fight the Covid-19 epidemic. It is done by optimizing the role of the puskesmas themselves. It has been implemented in some areas of West Java.
Through this Pushpa program, the government collaborates between professions to engage in various occupational sectors. It is used to improve the application of tracing, testing and treatment. Moreover, it is also used to maximize the 3M set by the government.
It is also being implemented to manage the spread of coronavirus as much as possible. The purpose of creating this book program is to be community compliant in practice 3M. Earlier, health workers who were asked to take care of themselves due to Covid were also working on other things outside the spread of the virus.
At the same time, the main task of the medical officers to take care of covid itself in accordance with the provisions of the West Java Provincial Health Office is to overcome the corona problem. They are asked to find out about the people who are actually infected with the virus, they must report and come to the concerned health center.
The team from this puspa itself will be tasked with tracing the residents who are in close contact. Because, in the past, there weren’t many cases that were successfully tracked. It therefore requires optimization to maximize the performance of the program previously produced by the Government of West Java. The pushpa will be distributed throughout the region in West Java.
Mobile Poseyandu for Red Zone
Amid this coronavirus pandemic, the government and the West Java Provincial Health Office continue to give importance to the health of their people. Of course, you should still implement the protocols set by the government. However, especially in areas in the red zone, these basic health activities are taking place around.
In order to reduce deaths due to other reasons, health workers and parties concerned will jointly conduct mobile posandu. This health programme is conducted by medical officials along with related equipment directly to people’s homes. The implementation will be carried out in accordance with the existing protocol.
The working technique is adjusted based solely on the needs. Usually, posandu will get together in one place. However, by going around this, the residents will only stay at home, and then they will be visited directly by west Java regional medical officers. So the implementation itself is definitely in line with what is required.
The current Covid-19 pandemic, which is still crowded, has caused many sectors to experience problems. But now there are protocols in place to reduce the spread. Death cases are also declining and recovered cases are increasing with the help of the community and the West Java Provincial Health Office, which comply with government regulations.